According to the PwC CEO survey of 2016 around 49% of CEO’s are taking active measures to develop their leadership. The report stated that it was necessary for CEO’s to be “able to operate in a world with multiple stakeholders, different values and diverse attitudes toward law and rights, all in an increasingly volatile economic context”.
This has transcended into a development in effective and beneficial corporate responsibility and in turn a development in their leadership. Essentially, overtime CEO’s have found interests in engaging development programmes whilst ‘fulfilling the CSR commitments’.
In collaboration with the National Council for Voluntary Organisation (NCVO) Step on Board has been launched. Step on Board exists to help employees working in the private sector to become trustees and non-executives in charities and organisations. As a board level volunteering programme it has a guarantee in preparing individuals to be ‘board ready’. Furthermore, besides its innovative approach, organisations esteem ‘Step on Board’ as “the tool to bring CSR to life”
CEOworld magazine also commented that “The ability to develop future leaders is considered a major benefit. The breadth of challenges and exposure offered to trustees can foster different thinking, introduce diverse ways of working and expose them to “a healthy dose of governance”.
Additionally, CEOs of firms emphasise the importance of CSR. In fact, “the PwC Global CEO survey points out that 64% of CEOs says that “corporate social responsibility (CSR) is core to their business rather than being a stand-alone program”.
Another review found that organisations in effect are quite impressed and content with this programme as it serves as a provision of ‘personal learning, growth and career enrichment opportunities’. As a result of this social development in the corporate world has grown closer to equality and further away from hierarchical structures.