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Inclusive Boards launches Parole Board Independent Members Recruitment

Inclusive Boards are delighted to be working on a number of appointments for suitably qualified Independent Members for the Parole Board.  The Parole Board works to protect the public by...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Disability and Volunteering

Voluntary work provides crucial services across the UK, with many organisations relying upon volunteers to function successfully. Whether formal or informal, it encompasses a host of responsibilities and activities. Formal...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

The Impact of Insomnia in the Workplace

Insomnia causes an annual loss of £30 billion in the UK, and with one in every three people affected it is thought around 200,000 working days are lost each year...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Conservation and Ethnicity

While researching for these articles, it has been made abundantly clear that the environment/conservation sector is at its weakest in terms of ethnic diversity. The RACE Report was established to...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Diversity in the Conservation Sector?

The UK’s environmental/conservation sector comprises a range of charitable organisations and private businesses. Whilst it currently holds approximately 22,000 conservation professionals and 10,000 environmental professionals, the field has seen a...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Tech Talent Charter: Latest Update

Established in 2015, the Tech Talent Charter (TTC) is a government-supported group which means to address the UK’s tech talent shortage and lack of diversity. The group currently provides support...

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Charities Inclusive Governance Report 2022

The UK’s largest 500 charities’ senior leadership teams and boards remain unrepresentative of the people they serve and employ. Despite women making up the majority of the third sector workforce,...

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Inclusive Boards launches College of Policing Assessor Recruitment

Inclusive Boards are delighted to be working on a number of appointments for Executive and Senior manager assessors for the College of Policing.  The College of Policing is a professional...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Should Neurodiversity Be Considered a Disability?

Neurodiversity is broadly defined as “the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; this is no one “right” way of thinking, learning,...

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TACKLE IT: Rugby Football League launches club board diversity project with Inclusive Boards

Rugby League boardrooms are set to become more diverse, thanks to a ground-breaking partnership between the Rugby Football League (RFL) and executive search firm Inclusive Boards. Inclusive Boards specialises in...

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Insights & Opinions

Inclusive Finance Summary Report - May 2022

At Inclusive Boards, we pride ourselves on the delivery of world-class reports that act as strong evidence-based reporting to support organisations as they develop their strategy. We collect data...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

The Ultimate Guide to Non-Executive Directors

There are a wealth of positions that can be found at an executive level, each with varying degrees of responsibility. One such role is that of a Non-Executive Director (NED),...

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Hands holding the words Her, some flowers and She
Inclusive Boards Articles

How To Create An Inclusive Work Space for Trans Women 

The term transgender describes someone who identifies as a different gender to the sex they were assigned at birth. Other identities such as non-binary and gender fluid also fall into...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Representation of Women in the Engineering Sector

Representation of Women in the Engineering Sector   The UK’s engineering sector currently represents approximately 19% of the working population and branches out into a plethora of different sub-sectors such...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Representation of Protected Characteristics at Board Level in the Charity Sector

Representation of Protected Characteristics at Board Level in the Charity Sector   The third sector is comprised of 167,000 UK-registered charities and not-for-profit organisations which rely financially on both the...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Inclusive Technology to support, attract and retain Neurodiverse talent

Inclusive Technology to support, attract and retain Neurodiverse talent A recent event held by accessibility-oriented organisation Texthelp focused on how inclusive technology can support, attract and retain neurodiverse talent, and...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Inclusive Boards Training Day: Neurodiversity 

Inclusive Boards Training Day: Neurodiversity    Inclusive Boards staff members meet every quarter to hold a day of training and discuss company updates. To coincide with Neurodiversity Celebration Week, the...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Generation Next: Restoring faith in generational progress

Generation Next: Restoring faith in generational progress An event known as Generation Next: Restoring Faith in Generational Progress was recently hosted by the Policy Institute at King’s College London. Chaired...

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In The Press

Recruiter Awards Recognition

Recruiter Awards Recognition   It has been recently announced that Inclusive Boards are on the final shortlist for the Recruiter Awards 2022. Established in 2002, the event is an opportunity...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

Overlooked? Neurodiverse Women in the Workplace

Overlooked? Neurodiverse Women in the Workplace   Neurodiversity is an umbrella term covering conditions that may impact an individual’s ability to learn, process sensory information and understand social expectations (amongst numerous...

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Inclusive Boards Articles

What Can Organisations do to truly Support The LGBTQ+ Community?

What Can Organisations do to truly Support The LGBTQ+ Community?    Pride Month is an opportunity to celebrate the rights and freedoms that the LGBTQIA+ community have today, whilst also...

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